You asked me some Biblical questions recently, concerning Elijah and Enoch, two persons in the Bible, who apparently did not 'die'----rather God took them up, and thus, they had no 'burial' here on earth------and yo asked about them in reference to the 'two witnesses' in Revelations.
The Bible is an awesome work, and can challenge and stimulate our minds and hearts-----it is a 'living word' and reveals our Creator, our God, and His relationship with us, and His desires for us. It reveals His complete 'provison' for us eternally through His Person in Jesus Christ.
Here now are some references to read:
But, back to this. Rev. 11:3-12 speaks of two witnesses-----many scholars believe this will be Moses and Elijah-----because the events in verses 5 and 6 resemble miracles that were also in their lives in the Old Testament.
Other scholars say it could be Elijah and Enoch-----because they are the only two in Biblical history who did 'not die a physical death and were buried' a natural burial here on earth-------but instead, God took them up.
        Elijah: 2 Kings 2:1-11 (And maybe a reference to look at too, Malachi 4:5)
        Enoch: Gen. 5:24 and a reference (Hebrews 11:5)
Moses died a physical death and God buried him: Deut. 34:5,6-----but that does not preclude him from being one of these witnesses: We see him referred to 'with Elijah' in the NT in Matt. 17:3.
By the way, the only other 'mystery' of a person mentioned without beginning or end is Melchizedek, Gen. 14:18-20 (Hebrews 7:2-4; Ps.110:4) Which many believe was Christ appearing prior to His NT birth.
Isn't the Bible awesome!
First, the Bible is a book of prophecy. Every prophecy God has revealed to us, that 'has come to pass' has happened exactly as He spoke-----and these have been numerous and documented through-out the Bible.
Thus, we know His word is true! Just as Christ used His miracles to prove His Person!
So the prophecies He has spoken, but are not yet fulfilled will also happen! (most of which are 'yet to come to pass' like: 1. the 'rapture' if you believe that-----which I do!, and then there are those who A. Do Not believe it, B. Believe it will be 'pre-tribulation' of which I am one who believes this way, and C. ones who believe it will be 'post tribulation'-------and then, the other prophecies that deal primarily with the 'end times.')
****A side note----my opinion (and whenever you get 'an opinion' by anyone, you should search the word of God to see for yourself the truth, and compare those opinions to His word): To meYou cannot have 'prophecy' and 'fulfillment' without 'predestiny.' Of course since I believe God is Sovereign, predestiny is very easy for me to accept and believe. Many have a real problem with this, because they want 'man's free will' to somehow be 'the factor' over God's 'predestiny' which, to me, if He is Sovereign, is then fact, and His 'plan' for all life and events is totally known by Him (**And thus, I do not believe anything or event is 'random.')
I do not try to reduce God in a way to confine Him to 'my understanding' of this (or anything else), or to confine Him to any understanding of any man-----nor do I try to 'raise myself' up to God's understanding------I trust Him, and know as God, He makes no mistakes, and His will and His time are perfect. So, I do believe we have a permissive will in regards to our lives here on earth. Personally, I do not believe that is in relation to His salvation of us-------I believe He chooses, the Holy Spirit calls and convicts, and we 'don't know when or whom,' only God does. (Plus only God knows who is saved, because only He can look on our hearts!)
I am amazed when people are so 'deluded' they 'discount it' as fable, or stories man wrote. When you consider this:

A Panoramic view of the Bible, taken from Scofield’s notes:


The Bible, incomparably the most widely circulated of books, at once provokes and baffles study. Even the non-believer in its authority rightly feels that it is unintelligent to remain in almost total ignorance of the most famous and ancient of books. And yet most, even of sincere believers, soon retire from any serious effort to master the content of the sacred writings. The reason is not far to seek. It is found in the fact  that no particular portion of Scripture is to be intelligently comprehended apart from some conception of its place in the whole. For the Bible story and message is like a picture wrought out in mosaics: each book, chapter, verse, and even word forms a necessary part, and has its own appointed place. It is, therefore, indispensable to any interesting and fruitful study of the Bible that a general knowledge of it be gained.


First. The Bible is one book. Seven great marks attest this unity. (1) From Genesis the Bible bears witness to one God. Wherever He speaks or acts He is consistent with Himself, and with the total revelation concerning Him. (2) The Bible forms one continuous story---the story of humanity in relation to God. (3) The Bible hazards the most unlikely predictions concerning the future, and when centuries have brought round the appointed time, records their fulfillment. (4) The Bible is a progressive unfolding of truth. Nothing is told all at once, and once for all. The law is “first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn.” Without the possibility of collusion, often centuries between, one writer of Scripture takes up an earlier revelation, adds to it, lays down the pen, and in due time another man moved by the Holy Spirit, and another, and another, add new details till the whole is complete. (5) From beginning to end the Bible testifies to one redemption. (6) From beginning to end the Bible has one great theme---the person and work of the Christ. (7) And, finally, these writers, some forty-four in number, writing through twenty centuries, have produced a perfect harmony of doctrine in progressive unfolding. This is, to every candid mind, the unanswerable proof of the Divine inspiration of the Bible.



Total harmony-----written by over 44 different people over 2,000 years in time span, yet not one single contradiction, and it all ties together in perfect harmony! That alone is impossible by man alone!


I hear faiths, and others say: The Bible has been 'translated' into so many languages, and so much has 'been lost in translation;" and even there are 'books' that were considered by some true scholars and religious leaders years and years ago, that were 'omitted' by the Council of Churches that decided what was 'Canon' and what was not--------but to that, I say: God is Sovereign, and He is in control, and He had survive and be accepted what He wanted us to read and study.


And, Christ, while here on earth, was still God, and He quoted many Old Testament Scriptures, because that was already written------and thus, He validated them------which, if there was 'some mistake' He would have corrected it! Even on the cross as He was dying, He quoted Scripture.


So, the Bible is so simple a child can understand its message of the 'redemption of mankind' by our Savior-----and so complex it can challenge the most gifted scholar! It is a 'living word.' You cannot read it without it 'addressing your life'------it is as piercing as a 'two-edged sword.'


I love it------and I love the harmony and how each part of it supports the rest.


But, as God is 'in control' (Sovereign) some things we will not 'know' until He desires we do, in His perfect timing. So, just think when He begins 'fully revealing Himself to us' in our eternal and glorified bodies, and that He is so awesome, it may take 'an eternity' for all to be revealed, but 'these mysteries' will no longer be hidden.


Thanks for asking about this------as it refreshed my looking at it again too. Plus, I'm sure you got more than you wanted. But I am so excited about God in your life!


I love discussing His word.

