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The Awakening of The Buddha From Mississippi ™
The BIG NEWS is That I, Buddy Huggins
As of 8-17-03 ,,,,, I AM Awake!
Christ Jesus our Lord is In me!
By The Grace of God I am that I AM
As of 12-10-03
AM Becoming the Image Of Christ !!
GOD is using the Web to Change The World,
Our at lest, wake it up a little,,,,,,,,, LOL :)
Out Of Darkness
By: Gary Sigler
GOD is LOVE **********************
knee shall bow being forced or free will?
By: Gary and Michelle Amirault
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.tentmaker.org
systematizing of the deception" (Eph. 4:14)
By: Ray Smith
BY: Rokus den Hartog
God sent me here for a Deep Walk and understanding of his LOVE.
Father is so Good, ask and he will show you all things.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, http://awakening-mind.net/
What the "Bleep" Do We Know!? |
Trailer ; 7 : 50 mins Trailer do Filme Quem Somos Nós. |
Tolle |
Trailer ; 8 : 35 mins |
We are now in a time when natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and tidal waves are dramatically affecting our planet, and our lives on it. We now have the power to destroy this beautiful Earth quickly, with atomic power, or more slowly, with pollution and devastation of our resources, and overpopulation. I have been guided to tell you that we also have the very real power to save this planet, and to make it a loving and healthy place for ourselves and for future generations. Please take a few minutes to read my story. It will hopefully save our Earth.*** (Read More Here) http://www.firethegrid.com |
You Can Heal Our Planet! Message from Shelley Yates. Join us on July 17, 2007 at 11:11 GMT and become an Earth healer! From Terra71707 Also see in; (Japanese) ----------------- (French) |
GOD is LOVE **********************
As of April 25th, 2004 "LOVE
is the KEY."
"I AM a Seeker of the Truth."
Buddy Huggins
"NOW" ,,,,,,,,, " I know the Truth that I seek is not out side
of my self,
The TRUTH is in me, God put it there!
I only need to seek in side me to find, God.
No man is my teacher, only the Holy Spirit leads me.
I know my Fathers Voice, no other will I follow."
![]() ![]() ![]() About Regina Dawn Akers
On the first morning of the cruise, Regina decided to say a prayer before beginning the course. She describes what happened next in this way, “As I was praying, I felt overcome by a desire to be useful. I wanted nothing more than to be completely useful to God for the rest of my life. So, I told Him that I would learn anything he wanted me to learn and do anything He wanted me to do. I just asked him to please make me useful.” *( MORE ) |
Why Walk 1000 Miles? "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God." Jesus Christ, A Course In Miracles |
The Secret: 1st 20 minutes This is the first 20 minutes of the global film phenomenon "The Secret". It is authorized by The Secret LLC for personal use only. Please enjoy this gift! From aSecretAgent The Secret is the Law of Attraction! |
Law of Attraction at the website of Jerry
and Esther Hicks,
~~~~I Asked GOD~~Where did Evil Come From? ~~I Got This!~~~~
Face the Facts an Alternative View of 911 48min |
Jordan Maxwell Toxic Religion 1hr |
Jordan Maxwell -Basic Slideshow Presentation (Hidden Symbols) 1hr 58min |
Now you my be thinking, What is the GAME?
Click Here >> for More About The Game
From Mississippi
You may ask, What am I, Buddy doing about all this.
Well let me say it in a song. As of - ( 06-26-07 )
By; John Lennon Watching The Wheels
"GOD is LOVE,,,,,,,,,,, ONLY." Buddy Huggins |
I was good at promoting my stunts and getting my picture in the news paper. When I was fourteen, I came up with a stunt to get a record in the Guinness Book Of World Record. I lined playing cards up side to mid, side to mid. Like a row of Dominos just to knock them down. This was a big story in the paper for over four weeks as I promoted like a pro. The night that I did did the stunt it drew a crowd of over 400 onlookers and a TV crew that did not use video tape. The year was 1974 and there was no VCR at that time. It was bad live feed that is now lost in space. There where official witnesses there. One was the School Superintendant of Greenville city schools. That night we all saw 8,500 card stand on edge untill I started them falling. At 6,427 the cards stopped falling, I had made a turn too tight to keep up the speed that was needed. Not bad for a 14 year old kid that at that time could not read or write and was in Special Ed classes. I had no friends and it was may big coming out party. There was only three weeks of school remaining after the card stunt before school was out for the summer. That was the best and worst summer of my life. You see I got what I was looking for: friends of all kinds. Prep. kids rich kids, dropouts and even grownups now wanted me to be at their parities. Key word "party". I knew eveone in town and they all seemed to want me to be their friend.The stunts on the skateboard and BMX bike took on a life of their own. I could have killed my self time and time again. I was good on the street seen but in school, I was lost. I failed the seventh grade three time as all this was going on. I was found to have dyslexia at the age of 19 years old. This told me that I was not a dummy and a retard like I have been called most all my life because I seemed to be slow of mind to most. Dyslexia had held me back only because the school did not know, or even care, what it was. I have pushed myself all may life to learn to read and write. Spelling is what is the hardest for me even to this day. It is so hard for me to put my thoughts on paper that this is the most I have ever written; THIS PAGE!!! I hope in telling you my story in some way may lead to helping others like me that cryed out for help in the wrong ways. By all rights, I should be be dead due to the dangers I've exposed my body to, just in the name of being liked by others. What people call being poplar.I started my quest June 1, 1998. This is the day that Buddy found out that the "Junkyard Dog" Sylvester Ritter died in a car crash in Forest, MS. The Dog had been to his daughter's graduation in South Carolina. He was on his way back to Yazoo City, MS, when he fell asleep at the wheel. I made calls to people that knew the Dog for his last four years on this Earth. What I found was not pretty, but the truth, about the state of wrestling in the fine state of Mississippi. It was being run by outlaws and marks. These people even dared to mark me. This pissed me off, so I started Extreme Midsouth Wrestling!With the help of some wrestling insiders, which shall rename nameless, I set out to bring wrestling back to its glory days in Greenville and Greenwood."With the help of all the fans I can do it!" Huggins said. As metioned previously, I was found to have dyslexia at the age of 19. I had worked very hard to overcome this handicap and feel that I will soon be at a place in my life to help kids that may have this and other problems in their own lives. There is much more to this story so check back often for updates. Click Here for Buddy's Picks for Books about Dyslexia
I AM Blessed and Have Much Faver ™ Copyright © 2010 Copyright © 2007 Buddy Huggins Productions & Extreme Midsouth Wrestling All rights reserved. |